The Yokohama Civic Gallery Azamino houses the Yokohama City Collection of Cameras and Photographs, which consists of approximately 12,000 items. Among them, Yamamoto was drawn to photographs of plants by William Henry Fox Talbot (1800-1877), known as the inventor of an early form of photography called the calotype. He was also a botanist and a lover of moss. Yamamoto says that as he became interested in the relationship between Talbot's photographs and plants, he felt an overlap between Talbot's eye for photography and his own eye for dye. After reading Talbot's book, "The Pencil of Nature," Yamamoto thought that dyeing might also be photographic in a broader sense, and he named his new work, created using dyeing techniques, "Botanical Self-Portrait" for this exhibition.
The following photographs by William Henry Fox Talbot were selected by the artist and the curator for use in the exhibition.
Leaf of a Plant
-Printed from the collection of Yokohama Civic Gallery
A Fragment of Lace with Three Sprigs of Moss
Photograph (Experimental Photogenic Drawing) of Heather (Erica Mutabilis)
Arrangement of Botanical Specimens
-Prints from the Getty Center's collection
The following photographs by William Henry Fox Talbot were selected by the artist and the curator for use in the exhibition.
Leaf of a Plant
-Printed from the collection of Yokohama Civic Gallery
A Fragment of Lace with Three Sprigs of Moss
Photograph (Experimental Photogenic Drawing) of Heather (Erica Mutabilis)
Arrangement of Botanical Specimens
-Prints from the Getty Center's collection

参考『自然の鉛筆』ウィリアム・ヘンリー・フォックス・タルボット(William Henry Fox Talbot 1800-1877)
『 ショーケースギャラリー 山本愛子展 』
@ 横浜市民ギャラリーあざみ野(神奈川) 2021
『Show case gallery Aiko Yamamoto solo exhibition』
本展示ではWilliam Henry Fox Talbotの以下の写真を、作家と学芸員が話し合い選定し、展覧会に使用しました。
『Leaf of a Plant』
『A Fragment of Lace with Three Sprigs of Moss』
『Photograph (Experimental Photogenic Drawing) of Heather (Erica Mutabilis)』
『Arrangement of Botanical Specimens』
−Getty Center収蔵コレクションより印刷して展示